Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Good afternoon.

This is my very first blog. Well, I think it is. Anyways, a little bit about me. I think I'm a pretty normal kid. I like playing basketball, playing videogames, watching superhero movies, reading comic books, and making small paper models. I got really interested in playing basketball about four years ago after playing some games on my PSP. The first basketball game I played was the NBA game for 2005, which taught me the basic rules of basketball. The next game that got me into the flashy side of basketball was NBA Street: Showdown. Much of the things that happend in the NBA Street game were impossible, but highly entertaining to watch.
Now, on to comic books and superhero movies. I read a lot of Spider-Man comics during the summer of three years ago. At that time, Marvel comics seemed more interesting to me. The best superhero movies of that time were the Spider-Man movies. This past summer, however, the Iron Man and Batman movies were very interesting. The Iron Man film, starring Robert Downey, Jr., is the first Iron Man film. The recent Batman movies, however, are not the first of their kind. The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, regenerated an interest in Batman that was hidden ever since the end of the old cartoons. As a child, I was very interested in Batman. I always watched the animated series with Batman and Robin in which Batman, voiced by Kevin Conroy, had a square jaw. Christopher Nolan has changed the Batman storyline a bit to make it more realistic. The Batman and Iron Man movies have proven to me that not all superhero movies have to be corny and CGI-happy. The Dark Knight proved that not every superhero movie must have a happy ending, and Iron Man proved that science fiction does not have to be completely fantastic.
I have always like videogames. I used to be really into racing games, but I have since lost my interest. Fighting, shooting and sports games draw my interest much more, as do games about superheroes. Recently, I've been playing Resident Evil 4. It's a pretty fun game. A bit of blood, but not enough to be entirely cliched and boring. The plot is interesting, to say the least, and gameplay is pretty suspenseful. Each turn of the corner may yield some insane zombie ready to rip your head off, but it also may lead to a treasure or a salesman. About the salesman: he's kind of creepy. The first time I saw him, I...... disposed of him. Then I found out he was the guy who sold weapons and health things. Well, I guess I have to just wait and see how the game turns out.