Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Green Arrow, or Oliver "Ollie" Queen, is a superhero who used to be an executive of his company. He sold his company for a large sum of money in order to be Green Arrow full-time, eventually training Speedy as his protegé just as Batman trained Robin. Green Arrow dresses as Robin Hood and is an expert with the bow and arrow. The Green Arrow is typically shown as a rebel, and a highly skeptical man. He has appeared in comics and television shows.
Ollie Queen sold his company for three billion dollars in order to become a full-time hero. He is a member of the Justice League, but was skeptical of the group at first. Green Arrow does not use only conventional arrows; he invents his own arrows with various functions. Among the stranger arrows he uses is the 'boxing glove arrow'. Some others include a glue arrow, net arrow, bomb arrow, and grappling arrow. He is often seen working with the Green Lantern. The most famous Green Arrow story was one in which Speedy, his red-clad sidekick, was addicted to heroin. The story was in Green Lantern #2. Green Lantern and Green Arrow fight off drug addicts and bust a drug ring.
Green Arrow has appeared in the television series Smallville as a younger man who has not yet sold his company to become a full-time hero. He has a more modern costume both in style and in technology. He becomes a trusted friend of Clark Kent's, and appears in the Justice League of Smallville. Green Arrow also has a regular appearance in the show Justice League Unlimited. His appearance follows the classic comic appearance, with the beard and the clothing. He is shown with his significant other, Black Canary. In this show, Green Arrow often acts as a voice for the public and a brave, loyal friend to all in the Justice League. Green Arrow also has an appearance in The Batman. A movie for Green Arrow/ Ollie Queen has been talked about, and a script has been written. Filming, however, has not started yet.
The Green Arrow is a character who provides comic relief when it is needed, especially in Justice League Unlimited. He does, however have slight mood swings. He is randomly rude to other heroes of the Justice League, but only apologizes after they have turned their back.
The Green Arrow is a very rebellious character. The "cool guy" of the DC Universe, he can be compared to Tony Stark of the Marvel Universe. Queen often uses crude humor, and he doesn't quite seem to care about everyone else's feelings. Queen's character is a stark contrast to Superman, who tries to please everyone. Queen appears very selfish at first, but he has a good heart and he knows he must do the right thing in the end. All in all, a pretty cool guy.


Christina said...

su cara es muy ridonculous

Bria said...

तुमने पूरी दुनिया में सबसे अजीब आदमी हो!