Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Justice League or Avengers?

The Justice League and Avengers question is almost the same as asking "DC or Marvel?". The right answer is Justice League. The Avengers are diverse, but in a very limited way (however that works out). The only extension of the Avengers is the New Avengers, whereas the Justice League has brances of the Teen Titans, and Justice League Unlimited.
The main roster of the Avengers consist of: Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Ant-Man, and Wonder-Man. Most of the time, the Avengers do about the same thing as the Justice League. They fight off the bad guys and do the good thing. Some of them, however, are slightly rogue characters. Wolverine acts roughly, though he knows to do the right thing. Hulk is a very strange character. Sometimes, he is a hero. Other times, he is fighting one or more of the Avengers. Thor is just a strange hero. A Norse god, he seems much like Captain Marvel. Actually, he seems a bit too similar to chalk up the similarities to chance. The New Avengers are pretty much the children of the original Avengers; a "new-generation" type of group to appeal to younger audiences.
The Justice League is my favorite band of superheroes. Ever. The main League members (from the animated series) are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, the Flash, Martian Manhunter, and the Green Lantern (John Stewart). The Justice League Unlimited is an expanded version of the Justice League, tying nearly all of the DC Universe heroes together. The Justice League Unlimited brings together heroes from all over the galaxy, and even some from other dimensions. Some of the bigger names in Justice League Unlimited include the Red Tornado, Green Arrow, Black Canary, the Question, and Supergirl. Many of these heroes are acquaintances, and get along with each other very well. There are also some relationships within the League. John Stewart has been romantically linked to both Hawkgirl (Shayera) and Vixen, and Batman has been seen with Wonder Woman. Black Canary and Green Arrow are actually married.
The Avengers would never win against the Justice League. Though both teams appear to get along well, the Justice League works so smoothly and flawlessly because of Batman's plans that the Avengers cannot match up to them in teamwork. Both teams have the one guy who, while harsh and mean, always does the right thing (Batman of the Justice League, Wolverine of the Avengers). Both teams also have the flashy cover-boy that symbolizes America (Superman of the Justice League, Captain America of the Avengers). Also, both teams have the witty, comic relief character (Flash and Spider-Man). The one thing that makes the Avengers so much better is that they span over multiple planets, races and galaxies. The Avengers have no martians, only a Norse God.