Friday, May 29, 2009

Summer's here

Yeah, so I haven't exactly been posting on this blog. Well, now that summer's here and school's out, I can blog (more). Anyways, it's going to change from "COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS" to a normal blog. "Normal".
Summertime has been pretty good so far, aside from the odd weather. It didn't feel like summer, but now it's starting to. More sunshine and hot weather, please.
There's one thing that hasn't changed this summer: NBA Playoffs. Now that the Celtics are out, I'm supporting the Magic. If the Magic beat out the Celtics, they better win it all. Of course, with the Celtics out, I'm not motivated to watch every game played by a specific team just every game of the Finals.
I saw Up and Terminator: Salvation today. They're pretty good movies, but I have to say I liked Terminator more than Up. Maybe it's just because I'm a guy, but it seemed that much more interesting. This summer has so many good movies. Transformers 2, Harry Potter 6, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Among others, like Drag Me To Hell, which I would rather see on DVD.
I got further in Resident Evil 4, but I'm not so interested in it. The game is a bit too suspenseful for me. You can't strafe left or right, making the corners that much creepier. And of course, there's always that zombie that doesn't make any noise until it's right in front of you. Along with the zombie that won't shut up, of course. Speaking of horror, I watched bits of the A Nightmare on Elm Street films; I didn't much feel like eating afterwards. That's too bad for me, then.
I guess I'll blog once a week. Maybe. But when I go places away from home (if, more like, with the A H1N1 flu scare) I might not blog so often.